Microsoft onenote import from evernote
Microsoft onenote import from evernote

microsoft onenote import from evernote

Once the notes are migrated, of course they'll be available on all devices signed into that account. Microsoft also recommends having Evernote for Windows installed. In order to get started, you'll need a PC running Windows 7 or better. We will deliver the Importer tool for Mac in the coming months. The OneNote Importer tool (for Windows initially) migrates all of your Evernote content into OneNote, giving you the opportunity to switch to OneNote and have all your notes in one place, on all your devices. Today, we are removing this barrier and are thrilled to announce a tool that will help you import your Evernote notes into OneNote. Microsoft today is releasing the OneNote Importer Tool, which will allow you to migrate your Evernote notes over to OneNote.

microsoft onenote import from evernote

There's only one problem with making that switch: all of your notes are currently in Evernote. Microsoft really wants you to switch to OneNote.

Microsoft onenote import from evernote